Friday, April 28, 2006

the serpent still eAts


thAt blAck heArt is still some integrAl pArt of those ideAs we keep

Let us think about the undergroung trafficking of human body parts and tissues removed without consent from the recently deceased. In one case morticians removed a woman's leg bones and replaced them with PVC pipes. A human brain can fetch up to $500. A cadaver is worth more in parts than intact. A skilled harvester can completely dismember a body in less than an hour.

so there wAs no desperAte Ache or pAin As I sent my little bAbe to the drAwer.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

hey dAn hey

deAr dAn,
thAnk you for visiting my blog
best regArds,
christopher czAszwicz

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

finger point moon

sAid the spider to the fly
i wAnt your heAd
i wAnt your wicked pArts
i wAnt to wring out your evil thoughts
i wAnt to eAt out your bitter heArt
i wAnt your soul to sing six words hArmony
of All the pigs thAt might tempt me
i know you're sick Alone
And I'm tellin' everyone everything
so scrAtch it on the wAll of your coffin
on your sick dAy home
And when your lover loves to cheAt
there's Another you cAn meet
it's A short pier
it's A long wAlk home
you gottA show me where it hurts
there's a beAst and burden
kickin' spitin' on your bAthroom floor
this is your life
this is your life
And when i'm done
it's over
A little bit more
good things die
All the time
god bless their heArts
vengeAnce is mine
kiss me like you meAn goodbye
sAid the spider to the fly
All those time you thought thAt
you were wrong
you were right
so if i fight the good fight
will hAirlines recede?
will lines deepen in fAce
to crAft A look of deceit?
i feel the end is neAr
my little mondAy night whore
my little sAturdAy night
becAme a sundAy remorse
And it's All over America
god bless gAme show heAthens
this is your life
this is your life
At lAst my good friend
we Are even
i know
i'll never lose An Arm
i'll never stAy up stArin' At the phone
i'll never rot up with diseAse
don't you bury me And leAve
don't you leAve me in the ground Alone
you gottA show me where it hurts
never cremAte me to burn
never chop me up And throw me to seA
you'll never hAve to find the words
they'll come spilling unreheArsed
but you And i will never find that peAce
good things die
All the time
god bless their heArts
vengeAnce is mine
kiss me like you meAn goodbye
sAid the spider to the fly
All those times you thought thAt
you were wrong
you were right

Saturday, April 08, 2006

i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe And sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity. i hAte the sun. the sun is uncontrollAble, unforgiving. with the sun you cAn't shApe and sculpt reAlity.