Delivered In A Firm Unyielding Way Lingering For Just A Bit Too Long To Communicate The Message
You Will Never Take Me Alive
let's heAr it for circuitslines drAwn in the eArthcut to scrAmble for Amplelittle mouse holeto pArk your new cArAnd chew off our Armswith teeth we Are losingfrom slow comfy screwingsthree cheers for the bAckseAtsyour legs pinnedthAt look in your eye...(thAt sAys)"you will never tAke me Alive"this is whAt you Are.let's heAr it for mirrorswith A ghost imAge cleArerhip hip for the pigthAt religiously belts you undone...this little piggy hAd nonecAuse god hAtes our countryshe told me she wAnts meto sing out he's femAlethree cheers for the gAl in the skyyou'll never tAke me Alivethis is whAt you Areyou Are whAt you Aredo you know whAt it meAns to be doomeddo you know whAt it meAns to be cursedwhen the blue eyes Are wAshing their mouths in the southyou know they're hiding bodies northdid you know thAt you Are sinking knee deepdid you nAil down whAt you plAn to keepwhen the poltergeist pushes his freight on your shoreyou Are done for done for done forthe cAskets are coughingwith quotAble quotingthe grAveyArd is litteredwith lumps who thought there wAs no doubtthe world could not live withoutthis is whAt you Areyou Are whAt you AreAnd if i live through the dAywhen the comet does comei will write every wrongdown my listone by one:i will shArpen the Axestomp the flAmes out on bAcksi will be whAt you wAnt me to bei will be whAt you wAnt me to bedid you know thAt your boothills Are stuckwell losing feet weren't the rAbbits good luckwhen the devil is resting his heAd on your dooryou Are done for done for done foryou Are done for done for done fordid you know thAt you nurse A beehivecome And get it!come tAke me AliveAll our noses Are Aiming At grisly fronteirsbut we will show this cruel world...we will show this cruel world we were here.