Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wait Until I Get My Hands On You

go AheAd And eAt your deAth
lick your lips And see whAt fruit beArs
it's your mouth
it's your throAt
it's your belly
whAt's it to me you seem hAppy
to blindly toss those Apple seeds
of vile discourse
the flit And the spit And the bile
All the while
it serves you right
it serves you right
to tAke your clothes off
by the heArth side
then join me bedside
where the houses Are eAting
their owners and
it serves you right
it serves you right
cAuse god forbid
you ever let me inside
or there within
heAven forbid
you'd show your underbelly
so go AheAd hold your breAth
be my guest
And see if i cAre cAuse
it's your life
it's your body in the morning
whAt's it to you my sweet bi jou
cAuse if you knew whAt wAs good for you
you'd stAnd there lowborn
to drop every rAmpArt And drAwbridge
so sAve you breAth
for cooling your teA And your porridge
so help yourself it's ok
cAuse if this gets you through the night
well then hey it's your night
And it's your right it Ain't my business
red vein your nose with cheAp cologne
let's slither out of these filthy clothes
let's dust you off
send you off
get you breAthing
And i don't weAr my sAfety belt
And i don't wAtch my Ass
when i'm by myself
And i sleep like a bAby
with cAndles burning
And i skip down dark alley lots
And i don't look both wAys
before i cross the street
or my heart
or my fingers
And my fingers sAy
it serves you right
but if it mAkes you feel a tiny bit
wArmer reside by the torch light
with the outright crAss indistinction
And it serves you right serves you right
cAuse god forbid you ever let me inside
or there within
heAven forbid
you give A good god good evening
so go Ahead hold your breAth
be my guest
see if i cAre
it's your life
it's your fAce
in the plAce of the mirror
so here's to you
merci beAucoup
but wAit until i get my hAnds on you
thAt's All you will get
A beArhug from your Armless brother
so sAve your teeth
for your toothy grins to your mother
yeAh go AheAd pleAse yourself
wring your hAnds
throttle best lAid plAns
they're Alive
they're A bishop, A loose leAf, A bottle
i've come to heAr my neighbors thoughts
so i will sAunter down this hAllwAy dArk
i'm Alive
i'm Alive
i'm Alive
god willing
i'm Alive

The Kids Will Grow Up To Be Assholes (the kids Are not Alright)

good god Almighty
the phAntom body
he's gone And done it AgAin
you know he's At it AgAin
And it's the lAst thing

you should ever do but
if you look At the Abyss
it will look right bAck At you
give you A sense
give you A sense

of being stAred At
cAlm down
so help be god

i'll drink it down
we'll be wAtching you

so wAtch your mouth
hold me
we're reAdy to mAke you one of us
we'll be wAtching you

so wAtch your mouth
you better wAtch your mouth
the kids will grow up to be Assholes
the kids will grow up to leAve you
with your house with your plAnts
the kids will grow up to be Assholes
the kids will grow up to leAve you
where you lie in your bed
remember how we used to

lAugh All the time
i'm fAirly sure it wAs never

At the sAme time
i Am A ghost thAt hAunts your hometown
i'm Around i'm the sounds

you sweAr you swore thAt...
the song won't sing itself

so let's sing out
you don't wAnt you messes cleAned
you don't wAnt your bodies fixed
you don't wAnt your problems solved
stories All resolved
you hAve nothing to leAn on
you don't want your stiches sewn
'cAuse then you'll hAve the big unknown
And we'll be wAtching you

so wAtch you mouth
you better wAtch your mouth

Now You Are One Of Us: we know where you sleep

It's Out There And It's Gonna Get You

We Know Where You Sleep
i've got you now
i'll show you All
i'll kick out the chAir
let you dAngle slow
in the bAck of the bus
All of us like the coAts in cloAk rooms
And if you rise Again
tAke A form i know
so the rivers will boil then overflow
And the houses you're hAunting
will tremble with temporAl hoodoo
yeAh i don't know About you
but i Am hellbent
i know whAt it is thAt i must do
close your eyes when we kiss
cAuse i Am prepAred
to set myself on fire for this
you will drop on All fours
get down
show me whAt you're good for
sAss mouth pink bellied i perceive
And for this your nAughty deed
i'm throwing you over my bony knee
so don't cry don't screAm good lord
you AlwAys knew whAt you're in for
when my belt unbuckles so believe
you grubby little thing
i'm throwing you over my bony knee
in your tender plAce
when you're sAfe At home
there's A tombstone
thAt wAits for you're very own
while you're rutting like beAsts
in the sheets of my sterilized room
in your comfy bed
Air conditioned cAr
there Are vApors And toxins
to get you All
in the wAter you drink
in the Air thAt you breAthe
in the soil
thAt's under your shoe
i don't know About you
but i Am At peAce
i know whAt it is that i must do
i hope you're sitting down deAr
come hell or high wAter
this sick world will know
i wAs here
we know where you sleep