This happens to be...
...exactly what I want it to be; no more love, no more cares.
I do not care how you are doing.
Why continue?
Why go on?
The massive truth in my miniscule understanding of self is automatically deceptive.
(heavy footsteps upstairs)mashedupinthemiddletoolittletoolate[light rumbling downstairs] relapse-repetition I am searching for words that look bad and sound good, words that sound like the pain in my ears/head/indecision she is so derisive/dirty sheets/depleted time to atone DISTRACT rather than repent
spent a week or two planning action for week three -irresponsibility- looks bad and sounds good.
Procrastination Professional Professional Procrastinator Procrastination Professional
sympathetic ear cut off and mailed to a mute fuck me/fuck you you end-rhyming brute to put
it into perspective, I was blinded by my own occluded visage/vision. Yet again, indecision.
"I would rather be stuck in a room with a bad thinker than a bad speller."
I would rather have the opposite.
Personally, directly, I am sorry. I lie. I lie. I lie. I lay and sleep eludes me.
Give up before you begin to try, then finish.
I do not care how you are doing.
Why continue?
Why go on?
The massive truth in my miniscule understanding of self is automatically deceptive.
(heavy footsteps upstairs)mashedupinthemiddletoolittletoolate[light rumbling downstairs] relapse-repetition I am searching for words that look bad and sound good, words that sound like the pain in my ears/head/indecision she is so derisive/dirty sheets/depleted time to atone DISTRACT rather than repent
spent a week or two planning action for week three -irresponsibility- looks bad and sounds good.
Procrastination Professional Professional Procrastinator Procrastination Professional
sympathetic ear cut off and mailed to a mute fuck me/fuck you you end-rhyming brute to put
it into perspective, I was blinded by my own occluded visage/vision. Yet again, indecision.
"I would rather be stuck in a room with a bad thinker than a bad speller."
I would rather have the opposite.
Personally, directly, I am sorry. I lie. I lie. I lie. I lay and sleep eludes me.
Give up before you begin to try, then finish.